Rechtliche Hinweise
The GRITCHEN brand is the property of :
GROUPE GUEMAS - SAS au capital de 44 430 448,00 € - 903 288 801 R.C.S NANTES- 3, Cours des Marches de Bretagne 44190 Clisson
Publishing director
Development and hosting
This site is developed by GROUPE GUEMAS and hosted by OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Presentation of insurance operations
Our insurance products are distributed through our subsidiaries:
GRITCHEN IARD, SAS au capital social de 8688 euros - 27 rue Charles Durand 18000 Bourges - RCS Bourges 430 098 921 - Orias 7023054.
GRITCHEN TRIBECHE ET ASSOCIES, SAS with share capital of €2,985 - 27 rue Charles Durand 18000 Bourges - RCS Bourges 808 477 293 - Orias 15000361.
GRITCHEN SAISON WAGNER, SAS with share capital of €1,052 - 21 avenue de Messine 75008 Paris - RCS Paris 811 730 118 - Orias 15003570.
GRITCHEN AFFINITY, SAS with share capital of 10,260 euros - 27 rue Charles Durand 18000 Bourges - RCS Bourges 529 150 542 - Orias 11061317.
COSYNS COURTAGE, SAS with share capital of €10,000 - 27 rue Charles Durand 18000 Bourges - RCS Bourges 533 836 284 - Orias 11063260.
Insurance brokerage companies (APE: 6622Z), registered with the Orias ( in the "Insurance broker" category, subject to supervision by the ACPR, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, 4 place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09
Professional Civil Liability and Financial Guarantee in accordance with Articles L512-6 and L512-7 of the Insurance Code
Complaints and mediation
If you have any problems, please contact your usual contact person. If you are not satisfied, you can make a complaint by writing to :
Service Réclamations
27 rue Charles Durand
or by e-mail:
We undertake to do our utmost to provide you with a response within the following timescales:
- Ten working days from the date the complaint is sent to acknowledge receipt, unless we are able to provide you with a response within this period.
- Two months from the date the complaint is sent to the date our response is sent.
If, due to the complexity of the situation, we are unable to meet this two-month deadline, we undertake to inform you.
If there is still a disagreement between us, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman at the following address: La Médiation de l'Assurance - TSA 50110 - 75441 Paris Cedex 09. Your request will be examined in accordance with the Mediation Charter, which can be consulted at the following address: .
Complaints may be lodged with the Ombudsman two months after the first written complaint has been sent, regardless of the person or department to whom it was sent and whether or not a response has been received.
If you are signing a contract as a consumer, you can also use the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform by clicking on the following link:
We offer forms that enable us to collect your requests with the information we need to process them.
You are free not to complete this form. However, it is essential that you fill in certain fields so that we can process your requests.
By filling in these forms, you are sending us information that may be used by the GUEMAS GROUP and the entities contractually or statutorily linked to it.
BLOCTEL: the telephone marketing opposition list
If you do not wish to be the subject of commercial canvassing by telephone, you can register free of charge on the telephone canvassing opposition list provided for in article L223-1 of the Consumer Code directly on the website or by post addressed to : Société Opposetel, Service Bloctel - 6, rue Nicolas Siret - 10 000 Troyes.
By providing your telephone number on our site, you agree to be contacted by our services in connection with your request. If you are already registered on the Bloctel list, the fact that you provide us with your telephone details authorises us to use them to call you back in order to respond to your request.